The pseudocience field called ufology, names abduction to the event in which one or more aliens take a terrestrial living being against its will (The aliens kidnap the person or animal) and then take it to a certain place, generally its own spaceship.
UFO abduction detailed description
Those who said to have been eyewitnesses or suffered a supposed alien abduction, often tell to have entered a lab-like room, where the aliens would carry on their experiments. Whatever would be the case, after being brought back from the UFO abduction, some of them report to have some anomaly, such as the presence of metalic objects within their bodies (alien probe).Another common event told by witnesses is to have stayed in that place for quite a long period of time, meaning, they have the feeling of staying there, but do not remenber anything or almost anything of that lapse of time (read missing time article).
The UFO abduction would be preceed by the loss of will and conciousness. The inside of the alien ship is often described as a rounded room with a dome, iluminated with a difuse light that seems to come from the walls and floor.
Other coincidences in the abducted narrations would be: reiterative nightmares, scars of unknown origin, sudden fobes to objects, smells or noises.
What's interesting about most of UFO abductions and abducted people throughout the whole planet is that they narrate, without knowing from one another, the same stories of the incidents.
Thomas E. Bullard carried on a study over thre hundred cases of this nature, showing that they follow the same pattern and in which he eight key stages of an UFO abduction: 1-alien abduction, 2-research, 3-deliberation, 4-excursion, 5-travelling to other worlds, 6-teofany, 7-comeback 8-sequels. Though not all the elements appear in every alien abduction case, there is an 84% of all the cases in which these stages are actually said to take place.
Possible explanations of UFO abductions
The most pausible cientific explanation for the supposed UFO abductions is dream paralysis episodes or non controlled lucid dreams. The alucinations during a dream paralysis, would be dreams with certain characteristics from lucid dreams, perceived as real as the phenomenon takes place; however when the people that said to be victim of an alien abduction wake up , they remember the happening as real, even reconigzing it as a real happening for the rest of their lives.In relation to the cases of those who narrate having been abducted by aliens as they walked, work, or even drive their car (like in the famous case of Betty and Barney Hill), could be explained just for cultural influences. This explanation is based on the fact that the narrations over alien and ufo abductions started to happen on TV and the silver screen. The Hills story was promoted by the journalist John G. Fuller, giving the kicking start to an era of supposed UFO abductions, that follow a pattern very similar to that told by Hills. This, in theory obstacle ufologists' work, because they must prove that these people are actually not crazy.
Many of the individuals that said to have been abducted by aliens, were hipnosed, this can lead to induce false memories.
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