Friday, July 13, 2007

This unusual alien abduction story began on Thursday 4, Octobre, 2001. The events took place at a Gundiah place, close to Tiaro, and culminating the newxt day. The media covered this alien abduction story very rapidly.
Keith Rylance, his wife Amy and Petra Heller were the people involved in the alien abduction. They were developing a winery sotre there. This material is extracted from several tv interviews that were conducted to them.
The following paragraphs are the abductees' narration regarding the incident.
Keith Rylance had gone to sleep in bedroom (it was a caravan) at 9 pm. There was an annex in the caravan, and Petra went there. Amy stayed in the caravan annex "lounge room", watching tv. All of these annexes were very close to one another, only separated by a wall. The bedroom were Keith was, had a door that was open and lead to the lounge room. Meanwhile, Amy was on the couch asleep.

At aproximately 11 pm, Petra woke up and she entered the adjacent lounge saw an extraordinary sight, that overwhelmed her. She reported to have seen a beam of light was being projected through the caravan lounge room window. Petra said that inside this light projection was Amy, in a sleep prone position, being taken through the window. Before losing consciousness reported to see that the light beam was coming from a disc-like shape UFO hovering above the ground a short distance from the caravan.
Keith said that he was awoken by the screamings coming from Petra. As he got to the lounge room, he saw the contents of the coffe table on the floor, near the window, and also saw a very nervous Petra. He could quicly noticed that the window frame wsa torn, then he went outside to locate Amy.

Though he tried to find his wife he couldn't and after hearing what Petra told him, he called the police.

After an hour and a half after the first call, Robert Maragna from Tiaro and an officer from Maryborough arrived at the alien abduction story scene.
Both Petra and Keith told the police that Amy had been abducted by aliens, or a spaceship. The officials tried to calm them down, of course, doubting this was a true ufo abduction story.
Latar came Sgt. John Bosnjak, at that time time he was in charge of the Tiaro police. The officers made the usual investigations in the alien abduction story scene. They fully examined the torn screen. Something very interesting was that a flowering bush, located near the caravan, just right next to the torn window, was like burned, at least affected by some king of heat. But there was another bush to the right of the window, that was not affected at all. The officers took some samples for further investigations.

After that, when the police was still there, Keith took a call from a woman, stating that she had located a woman in a BP petrol service station to the norht of Mackay. This location was at 790 kilometres from Gundiah. The woman was Amy Rylance, and was at the hospital at the moment.
where she had been examined by a doctor. Keith handed the phone to Snr. Constable Marangna.

Then a statement was made by the Mackay police, adding a Justice Act acknowledgement, where Amy had to confirmed that everything that had happen to her was true.
The only memories she had of the alien abduction story was lying in a bench in a room. There were lights coming from the ceiling and the walls. She said she called for help and heard a voice. After that a very strange person, a very tall one, came into the room, this "person", apparently he told Amy to be calmed, that nothing ba would happen to her.
The same guy told her that they were going to leave her in a location not far from her house, but they coudn't leave exactly there, because it woud be dangerous, finally Amy fell asleep.

End of Part 1


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